Cohort Testimonials
Cohort Testimonials
Changing our world,
one relationship at a time.
Racism is not the problem; relationship is the problem. If we build better relationships, racism goes away. Everything happens in relationship. All isms die once we learn to live better, one with another. This thought is the foundation of EuroCentric Cultural Refeflectionism (ECCR).
From spiritual to intra-personal, from internal to public, we manifest reality through the principle of relationship. If we want the world to be a better place and hope to live better lives, then we must learn to manifest better relationships.
As individuals, or, as a nation relationship equals change; and at times we may find change challenging to navigate. Even as outdated tropes of yesterday contrast the burgeoning future of unity and acceptance, we often wrestle with vulnerability and commitment; and yet "change is gonna come." So, as this nation's cultural climate changes, as our need for awareness and understanding rises, so rises the need for sound guidance. ECCR is a challenging, provocative study of relationship, transformation, and personal permissions: permission to express, permission to accept, permission to release, permission to try, and permission to be the best you in relationship with others that you may be. ECCR is the sound guidance needed to navigate our changing cultural climate. ECCR is a course of better relationship.
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